Install OpenShift Pipelines

OpenShift Pipelines is provided as an add-on on top of OpenShift that can be installed via an operator that is available in the OpenShift OperatorHub.

First, make sure you are in the Administrator perspective as shown below:

Go to Operators > OperatorHub in the Web Console.

In the search bar where it says, type 'OpenShift Pipelines' to find the OpenShift Pipelines Operator:

Click on OpenShift Pipelines Operator, Continue, and then Install:

Leave the default settings and click on Subscribe in order to subscribe to the installation and update channels:

After clicking Subscribe, you will be taken to the Installed Operators page. If you do not see the OpenShift Pipelines Operator as shown below, simply wait a moment while the OpenShift Pipelines Operator finishes installation:

That's all. The operator now installs OpenShift Pipelines on the cluster.

You can confirm the following by checking tekton-pipelines and tekton-triggers pods with Running state in openshift-pipelines namespace. If so, openshift-pipelines have been installed on your cluster.

Last updated