Configuring GitHub WebHooks

Now we need to configure webhook-url on backend and frontend source code repositories with the Route we exposed in the previously.

  • Run below command to get webhook-url

echo "URL: $(oc  get route el-vote-app --template='http://{{}}')"


Fork the backend and frontend source code repositories so that you have sufficient privileges to configure GitHub webhooks.

Configure webhook manually

Open forked github repo (Go to Settings > Webhook) click on Add Webhook > Add

echo "$(oc  get route el-vote-app --template='http://{{}}')"

to payload URL > Select Content type as application/json > Add secret eg: 1234567 > Click on Add Webhook

  • Follow above procedure to configure webhook on frontend repo

Now we should see a webhook configured on your forked source code repositories (on our GitHub Repo, go to Settings>Webhooks).

Great!, We have configured webhooks

Trigger pipeline Run

When we perform any push event on the backend the following should happen.

  1. The configured webhook in vote-api GitHub repository should push the event payload to our route (exposed EventListener Service).

  2. The Event-Listner will pass the event to the TriggerBinding and TriggerTemplate pair.

  3. TriggerBinding will extract parameters needed for rendering the TriggerTemplate. Successful rendering of TriggerTemplate should create 2 PipelineResources (source-repo-vote-api and image-source-vote-api) and a PipelineRun (build-deploy-vote-api)

We can test this by pushing a commit to vote-api repository from GitHub web ui or from terminal.

Let’s push an empty commit to vote-api repository.

git commit -m "empty-commit" --allow-empty && git push origin master
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 190 bytes | 190.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
   72c14bb..97d3115  master -> master

Watch OpenShift WebConsole Developer perspective and a PipelineRun will be automatically created.

Last updated